Wednesday, November 26, 2008

She'll appreciate this someday....maybe?

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Sorry, I just had to! How cute are those rolls? I hope she's as proud of the ones she has in her 30's as I am of these.!! :)

I just wanted to quickly record some of Beth's measurements and milestones for posterity...

9 months:

Height: 27.25 in.
Weight: 19.9 lbs.
Physical Development: sitting unassisted (barely, like just now)
Language Development: screams like she's on fire...oh, and babbles mamama & dadada, though not in context

In other words, she's PERFECT!!

Proof is in the picture! ;)


Doni Brinkman said...

At first glance, I thought I was looking at a baby doll. She is sooooo cute and perfect. Love those little rolls.

C. Beth said...

SOOOO adorable!!! I love the rolls! Zoodle is over 19 lb now too. :-o

Faith said...

Oh my! What adorable little dumplings she's got there.

They all seem to get that screaming thing down. LOL! Buy stock in Tylenol.